Palette Editor v1.1 
Tuesday, April 12, 2005, 12:52
Today I released Palette Editor v1.1. Changes:
  • BiFi logo animation can now be aborted
  • exchanging 2 colors
  • tweaked the scaled palettes (some more)
  • added editor part fade when game starts
  • added support to save to turbR internal SRAM
  • fixed a bug causing a userdef palette to reset in preset select

Also the site has had an update. Among other things it contains screenshots of several games now and a section with key codes.
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Palette Editor 
Saturday, March 19, 2005, 16:14
Today I released Palette Editor. It's a program that allows you to play MSX1 game with different colors. This can be done by using one of the built-in preset palettes. To save and load your own palettes key codes are added to speed up setting up the palette again. It also works with ROM games.
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ROMLOAD v1.99s 
Saturday, February 19, 2005, 20:34
ROMLOAD v1.99s was released. I've added the /B text in the usage, it was accidentally still commented out in the previous version. Also an option is added to enable SCC-I mode for those Konami Game Collection titles which are converted from disk.
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ROMLOAD v1.99r 
Sunday, September 12, 2004, 11:00
ROMLOAD v1.99r was released. Changes in this version are:
  • Added option to disable ROM image with a hot-key
  • Added option for second cartridge without a second Sound Cartridge
  • Added support for BASIC text in ROM

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IPS4MSX v1.2 
Thursday, August 19, 2004, 09:12
IPS4MSX v1.2 was released. IPSv2 truncation support was added.
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