Palette Editor v1.2 
Friday, December 16, 2005, 18:00
I've released a new version of Palette Editor today. Here's what's new:
  • fixed minor bug in BiFi logo animation abort
  • user defined palette in presets really is the userdef palette now
  • added support for V99x8 in an MSX1 machine by detecting the VDP
  • added support to save to cassette
  • made media selectable for palette storage

The site also has some new features:
  • added version history
  • added key codes for tweaked palettes for some games made by Patrick van Arkel
  • added descriptions for some key codes
  • added WAV download to all key codes

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Monday, July 18, 2005, 18:00
In the end of 2004, Sean Young decided to move the MSX technical pages to Wikipedia as he didn't have time to maintain the pages anymore. This way they could still be maintained and they would still be available to the public. However, Wikipedia got requests to either move or even delete articles from these pages and some pages were indeed removed. At that moment a decission was made to contact Sean to save them and to put them back online.

Now these pages are hosted and maintained by me... The Konami info pages will be moved to my personal website in time as they fit better there.
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Palette Editor v1.1 
Tuesday, April 12, 2005, 12:52
Today I released Palette Editor v1.1. Changes:
  • BiFi logo animation can now be aborted
  • exchanging 2 colors
  • tweaked the scaled palettes (some more)
  • added editor part fade when game starts
  • added support to save to turbR internal SRAM
  • fixed a bug causing a userdef palette to reset in preset select

Also the site has had an update. Among other things it contains screenshots of several games now and a section with key codes.
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Palette Editor 
Saturday, March 19, 2005, 16:14
Today I released Palette Editor. It's a program that allows you to play MSX1 game with different colors. This can be done by using one of the built-in preset palettes. To save and load your own palettes key codes are added to speed up setting up the palette again. It also works with ROM games.
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ROMLOAD v1.99s 
Saturday, February 19, 2005, 20:34
ROMLOAD v1.99s was released. I've added the /B text in the usage, it was accidentally still commented out in the previous version. Also an option is added to enable SCC-I mode for those Konami Game Collection titles which are converted from disk.
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