ROMLOAD v1.99t 
Monday, December 4, 2006, 22:13
ROMLOAD v1.99t was released. The first real release under the TNI flag. The list of changes isn't that short either. Here's the list:
  • Rewritten the Sound Cartridge detection code. It doesn't use the Konami detection anymore
  • Fixed a bug which couldn't run the correct dump of Super Lode Runner
  • Added support for Cross Blaim
  • Added support to run 16 kB mapped games in the SD-Snatcher Sound Cartridge
  • Added support to run BASIC text in ROM without requiring a reset
  • Added support to change CPU mode on MSXturboR, Panasonic FS-A1WX, Panasonic FS-A1FX, Panasonic FS-A1WSX and Ciel Expert 3 before startin up the ROM image

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