ROMLOAD v1.99u 
Saturday, June 28, 2008, 01:35
After almost a year of delay due to MRC, ROMLOAD v1.99u was released. Among the changes are of course the bugfixes I've released a cumulative IPS patch for v1.99t for. Here's the list:
  • Fixed support to run 16 kB mapped games in the SD-Snatcher Sound Cartridge
  • Added support to run the MSX-DOS 2 Kernel in a Sound Cartridge
  • Added reformatted usage output to make everything fit a WIDTH 80 screen
  • .ROM is now the default extension
  • Fixed subslot number display when detected in an expanded slot
  • Fixed bug causing non-existing Sound-Cartridges to be detected
  • Added support to use ESE-SCC up to 512 kB of RAM in stead of a Sound Cartridge
  • Updated /P to enable patching up to 64 blocks within the limits of the ROM image

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