MoonBlaster v1.4 BASIC driver 
Sunday, April 3, 2011, 16:49
Today I've released an update of the MoonBlaster v1.4 BASIC driver. It contains fixes and a few requests. There is no need to use MAP.COM or MAP.BIN anymore.

Changes in this version:
  • adapted error to use BASIC errors
  • added Hertz equalizer, controllable with _MBEQUAL
  • added DOS2 mapper support, controllable with _MBBANK, _MBALLOC and _MBFREE
  • added DOS2 directory support
  • fixed incorrect writes to PSG R#7 bug
  • fixed MSX-MUSIC detection
  • fixed a few other typical internal bugs

Recently Paragon released an updated BASIC driver to fix incorrect writes to PSG R#7. Investigation has turned out this 'fix' can cause unstability when using PSG drums.

The driver can be downloaded from my Home Page or MSX Banzai!.

(April 8, 2011: official assembly source updates are available, fixing the incorrect writes to PSG R#7 bug and MSX-MUSIC detection)
(August 18, 2011: important bug fixed regarding loading files under DOS2. Also a few small fixes in the MBLOADER.SRC file)
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