R-Type Improvement Addition v1.1 
Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 11:12
I've just released a new version. Additions in this one are two feature requests:
  • 50 Hz/60 Hz select
  • Turbo select (on machines that are capable of this)

It can be downloaded from my Home Page.
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Sunday, February 7, 2010, 19:24
Today I've released a small update of ELGSYNC. It now shows when the name couldn't be changed during a rename because it already exists.

It can be downloaded from my Home Page.
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Franky Mode 4 Development Tools 
Monday, January 18, 2010, 11:56
I've started a Franky Mode 4 Development page. Its main goal is to encourage new developments for Franky Mode 4 rather than just conversions of existing Sega Master System titles. It contains tools to convert SC5 pictures to Mode 4 tiles. Future releases will most likely include tools like tile and sprite pattern editors and editors for the name table and sprite attribute tables that will use Franky to display the result on. The site will also contain a list of links to third party tools (these may be running on systems other than MSX) that can be used to create tilesets and sprites for new developments.
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R-Type Improvement Addition 
Sunday, January 10, 2010, 13:26
Some time ago a patch for an improved version of R-Type was released. However, that version did some changes to the game that may have given it a lighter interrupt handler, but it also tended to regularly crash during the game with MSX-MUSIC detected.

This version comes in an additional ROM image that requires the original game to run and start the game via a menu. It's available in the download section of my Home Page.
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Activating Micro Cabin games Debug Menus 
Wednesday, January 6, 2010, 07:59

Xak - The Art of Visual Stage

The Super Latok and Level options can only be modified when the Debug Menu was loaded from Game Disk 2. Be sure to re-insert the correct disk before leaving the Debug Menu.
  • open the main menu
  • select the empty line (see the image)
  • keep the B-trigger pressed doing the following sequence
    (this only works with a joystick or -pad):
    • up
    • up
    • down
    • down
    • right
    • left
    • right
    • left
    • A-trigger

Xak II - Rising of The Redmoon

The End Demo option is only accessible when the Debug Menu was loaded from Disk 5. Be sure to re-insert the correct disk before leaving the Debug Menu.
  • press ESC to pause the game
  • do the following:
    • type: MIYUKI
    • press the SELECT key
    • type: XAK2

Fray - In Magical Adventure

This also applies to the GoGo Pixie minigame in The Tower of Cabin.
  • press SHIFT to open the game menu
  • go to the system menu (see the image)
  • high-light the BGM test option (see the image)
  • keep the B-trigger pressed
  • wait for the text to complete printing
  • do the following:
    • up
    • up
    • down
    • down
    • right
    • left
    • right
    • left
    • A-trigger

Xak - The Tower of Gazzel

  • press ESC to pause the game
  • do the following:
    • up
    • left
    • down
    • right
    • A-trigger
    • up
    • left
    • down
    • right
    • B-trigger
    • up
    • left
    • down
    • right
    • A-trigger

The Tower of Cabin

  • press ESC to pause the game
  • do the following:
    • up
    • right
    • down
    • left
    • A-trigger

Illusion City

  • during the game keep the B-trigger pressed doing the following sequence:
    • up
    • up
    • down
    • down
    • right
    • left
    • right
    • left
    • A-trigger

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