MSX Vriendenclub Mariënberg - Meeting countdown 
Thursday, November 8, 2007, 20:42
Today the new website of MSX Vriendenclub Mariënberg was launched. It was designed by The New Image's GuyveR800 and I wrote a countdown to the next meeting for it. The website is in Dutch and meetings are on the 2nd Saturday of each Month.
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Pointless Platform falling bugfix patch 
Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 20:05
It was really ugly, the falling behaviour in Pointless Platform. Since I'm preparing an updated version of the game with a few new things... and the falling bugfix, I decided to include the fix in the already released version as well.
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ROMLOAD v1.99t IPS patch update 
Thursday, October 18, 2007, 08:36
Because there was another bug found in ROMLOAD v1.99t and there already was an IPS patch released, I've decided to turn the IPS patch into a cumulative one containing all fixes for the program. To prevent the description to get too long a text file is added to list the fixes.

Additional to the previously announced fix there was a bug which caused the detected subslot to be printed incorrectly.
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Vista experiences 
Saturday, September 8, 2007, 15:10
Today I had my first experience with Windows Vista to set up and protect wireless networking. In less than 30 minutes of use the mouse locked up completely and I had to reboot. The only useful thing I've seen is the services are moved to the task manager. For the rest it's mainly bloat which requires too much computer power just to run. Because of this I'd like to add a new meaning to the word Vista. I think it actually stands for:


Also the 'WOW' in the slogan Microsoft used to launch Vista to the world "The 'WOW' starts now." has a whole different meaning... It stands for:


because of the bloat it requires and the buggy rewrites to cloak the actual base of the Vista kernel. It was told the kernel was rewritten from scratch, but in fact it's based on the Windows 2003 Server kernel.
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ROMLOAD v1.99t IPS patch 
Saturday, August 4, 2007, 22:30
I've found out one of the new features in ROMLOAD was disabled by accident. I've released an IPS patch to re-enable the feature.
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